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Third place in the world rankings in kiwi production, compared with the fourth that it held in recent years, is expected to climb Greece during the trading period 2017-2018. At the same time, fruit prices are already significantly increased, both for the producer and for the exported product, as evidenced by the REA-EIA reports.
“We expect to see how production in Chile will evolve, a country that is almost certain to be overtaken, so that we can win” third place “after Italy and New Zealand,” the expert told The Athenian-Macedonian News Agency consultant of the Association of Greek Exporters of Fruit, Vegetables and Juices Distribution “INCOFRUIT-HELLAS”, Giorgos Polychronakis.
Incredible export growth. Read more
The Greek products made great impressions to the exhibition visitors of Asia Fruit Logistica 2016.
Another important step of extroversion was made for the Greek kiwi this period. Under the Community co-funded export promotion program «Premium European Kiwi», the Greek kiwi tested its export strengths in one of the biggest food fairs in the world, the Asia Fruit Logistica. Hundreds of visitors of the exhibition tested the Greek kiwis, which attempted to strengthen their brand, expand their horizons and their extroversion. The stand of «Premium European Kiwi» received positive feedback from visitors of the exhibition, making an energetic start in the promising Chinese market. The Greek kiwi is considered as a Read more
A team consisted from the associations: NESPAR, NESTOS, ALKYON, GKOUSTERA and the Executive Director of Reg M – Th., Sotiris Papadopoulos will be at the Emirate from 27 to 30 September, aiming to stimulate exports
The Kavala kiwi exported to France, Great Britain, Germany, (while large amounts were channeled to Syria before the war and Russia before the embargo). Kiwifruit from the municipal area of Nestos ‘built’ alread high reputation for decades throughout Europe, but now entrepreneurs and producers opened the way for new partnerships. In the context of implementation of the three year program Premium European Kiwi, the start was made with Canada, two weeks ago followed by Read more
Passport of success : shape, size and organoleptic characteristics.
Brand extroversion in key markets such as China, the United Arab Emirates and Canada, is “buildt” by the Greek kiwi. Four Greek businesses opened this year on the Canadian market, starting in Montreal and the first orders have already been made and the missions are to be imminent. The Greek companies will test then their export forces in Shanghai and Hong Kong, by approaching the promising public of China. Next stop is the Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where the Greek kiwi will attempt to open export horizons in highly dynamic UAE market.
The Agricultural Cooperatives NESPAR and NESTOS and Alcyone AE Read more
A new market, promoting Greek kiwi which is produced in EM-T and specifically in Kavala, was opened with its presence in Montreal, Canada, by the network Premium European Kiwi which is formed by two Agricultural Cooperatives (AS Nestos and NESPAR) and two individuals ( Alkyon AE and Gustera AE).
The network participated in the international exhibition SIAL Canada 2016, which was held recently, leaving a very positive impression and raising expectations for a rise of Greek Kiwi Exports, since our country is the third producer in the world.
Speaking in ERA Komotini the Director of the AgriculturalAssociation “Nestos” Tasos Kartzatzalos, stood in the other actions of the EU program that the Read more
Four Greek businesses – kiwi producers created high expectations for the opening of another market for the product
Greek kiwi in Montreal, Canada impressed many consumers and importers because of its rich taste, vivid color and perfect shape.
According to relevant information, the response of consumers and experts to the presence of four Greek business-kiwi producers (Agricultural Association Chrysochori NESPAR , Agricultural Association NESTOS, Alcyone, Gkoustera ) to the international SIAL Canada 2016 report was really enthusiastic, creating high expectations for the opening of another market for Greek kiwi.
The four institutions visited ,from 13 to April 15 the SIAL, one of the most important food fairs in Read more